Tips - Meetup
Joining meetup activities alone, it's absolutely normal to feel a bit daunting at first, but more importantly it's only an initial feeling. Have the following quick tips handy with you.
get a comfortable drink for yourself before going in
politely greet everyone
ask people why they join this activity
arriving early so you can talk with someone first. If you arrive late, people may have already formed groups and you'll feel more awkward
message the event organiser so he/she can let you know what you'll be expecting
chat with the event organiser as a start
there will be weird people, but don't let them scare you. Those are the minorities only
no political or religious commentary please
don’t rush to get someone else’s contact number
try some conversation starters to get a basic understanding of someone:
“Hi there, how is your day going?”
"Is this your first time here (in this meet-up)?”
"How long have you been in this city?”
"Do you study or work?” —> “What do you do for work?" / “What are you studying?”
"What kind of stuff do you do in your spare time?”